India, is one of the largest democracies in the world today. We have made lot of economic and social progress. Today we have a woman president, a woman speaker and one of the largest political party is being led by a woman. Good to hear all that aint it. Even after all this progress, are women free? Still we are seeing many atrocities against women. Still we have female infanticide very much prevalent. Our parliament is shouting against an Indian Teleserial ‘ Balika Vadhu’ but do these same people know how many balika vadus are still there in the society around them. The first thing that surprised was to see Sharad Yadav talk against balika vadhu. If my memory is not shadowed up, I think this was the same person who said once upon a time that he would consume poison if the women’s bill is passed. Why don’t our politicians step out of the four walls of pariliament to see on the streets of urban and rural India to see how woman are being treated. If I am not wrong everyday our daily newspapers carry atleast one news article about rape. Everyday girls go missing. Yesterday on TV I saw a news report about how a woman was burnt to death by her husband and mother-in-law. There are so many surveys showing that the crime against women is on the high. Gender disparities, I guess it’s a huge topic on its own. Every profession shows many examples of gender disparities. From the profession of movie directors to the army officers, everywhere the number of women is low. Why because we have a general statement – “women are weak and they cannot be subjected to harsh conditions”.
Have we forgotten the quote of Mahatma here –
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
--Mahatma Gandhi
I think the women of my country have tons of indomitable will.
In Ancient India woman were treated with great honor. She was potrayed as a goddess. But during the medieval time she was pushed down to the level of a slave. She was merely just like a thing. And in modern times, inspite of so much education and advancement in thinking, she is still fighting to be relieved from the clutches. How strange is the journey of woman. But she is undettered in fighting for her rightfull status. Every man should realize that whatever he is today, started with the first teachings of his mother, who is a woman. Hopefully the women’s bill gets passed. And the good things come to us.
My fellow women of India, lets stand by this quote
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
--Mahatma Gandhi
nice write up... and it was completely against my topic women biased society... I think female infanticide and sati are no longer there in any part of world. What si that "Balika Vadhu". could you please throw some idea on it... never heard of that.....
Its not like female infanticide and Sati are no longer practised shankar.. Today there is a different picture of infacticide, its called female foeticide.. i can send the article which i read recently offline to you..
Sati is also still practised in some remote parts of india..
Balika Vadhu is a hindi serial, i dont recall right now which channel its being telecasted on.. this serial is about child marriage..
You are right about Sharad Yadav. It is shameful the way some of our politicians have thwarted the women's reservation bill.
Child marriage is still a reality in India. Over half the Indian women marry beolow 18 years, legally they are still children! And some of our ministers have 'graced' such marriages!
thanks for your comments SV.. i appreciate it..
the fact that women are not given their due doesnt hold good in urban jungle but in the the real india the villages.
Women folk as Gandhi said are stronger mentally. Joinin the army is no childs play. The fact that the women are far less weaker than men when it comes to physical strength is an undeniable fact a the former. Physical strength matter in army doesnt it?
if women think they are equal then y ask for reservation, it's really ironical isn't it. asking inequality for equality.
India we see now is far different from what it was though not entirely.
"if women think they are equal then y ask for reservation, it's really ironical isn't it. asking inequality for equality." -- then wouldnt this hold good for other reservations too.. why does this statement come out only when women ask for reservation.
I was speaking to a colleague of mine who is ex-US Navy. This country(USA) doesnt think women officers are less than male officers. So they go to the same boot camps as men. they have to pass through same physical hurdles as men. Its only in our country people think that army requires strength. I think army requires more will power than strength.
for today's world may be because armies are men dominated, having a batallion of women officers may not work the way it should.. but if you look at the air force they have given way for women pilots definitely a day will come when we will have a batallion of women.
thought provoking post think women are still worshiped in india ...women deserve their fair share in this world...
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